is archive

LGBTI People with Disability Experience Higher Rates of Discrimination

September 5, 2018This report out of Australia documents the effects of systemic discrimination on the health and well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people with disability.

Education Department Delays Regulation that Helps Minority Students Access Special Education

June 29, 2018The Department of Education chose to delay a regulation intended to help prevent racial disproportionality in special education, which was widely supported by students, parents, school administrators, and the civil rights community. Read more.

Rooted in Rights Hosts Panel at Womxn Act on Seattle

January 21, 2018Rooted in Rights hosted the "Digital Storytelling: How Disabled Womxn Advocates Amplify their Activism" panel discussion on Sunday, January 21, 2018 during the Womxn Act on Seattle.

Crosscut Festival: It’s time to talk it out

December 11, 2017We will be attending the Crosscut Festival at Seattle University from February 2-3, 2018. Please stop by our table and say hi!

2018 Charles A. Goldmark Awards Announced

September 5, 2017The recipients of the awards are: The Washington State Attorney General's Office (AGO) and the Northwest Immigrant Right's Project (NWIRP).