We are thrilled to share that 203 organizations and 1,020 individuals signed onto our petition! 

The petition was sent to Governor Jay Inslee, Representative Jinkins, Senator Billig, Representative Wilcox, and Senator Braun. With so many signatories, the petition is a powerful statement of constituent support for permanent remote access. Legislators pay attention to their constituents!

This past year brought about many challenges, but it also gave us many opportunities to remove barriers to inclusion and improve accessibility in our everyday lives. Among these was the opportunity to create more inclusive structures within our state legislature. We hope these changes are here to stay, and that we will only continue to make progress toward a universally accessible future. 

Read the full petition below.

Petition to Improve Accessibility and Maintain Remote Testimony in the State Legislature


The Honorable Jay Inslee, Governor
The Honorable Laurie Jinkins, Speaker, House of Representatives
The Honorable Andy Billig, Majority Leader, Senate
The Honorable JT Wilcox, Minority Leader, House of Representatives
The Honorable John Braun, Minority Leader, Senate

The 2021 legislative session challenged us to continue business as usual while not being at the Capitol. We missed out on hallway conversations, strategizing at The Doors, and casual conversations that led to big ideas. Assuming it is safe to do so, we are excited to possibly have these opportunities again for the 2022 legislative session, but we don’t want to lose what we gained this year. This past session, the state legislature became the most accessible it has ever been to the public. Record numbers of Washingtonians weighed in and exercised their rights. We want to keep that momentum. We ask the Washington State Legislature to maintain the option for Zoom and phone for testimony and meetings with all committees and legislators while making the changes explained below.

The system developed for 2021 was not perfect, but it was a good starting place. The legislature has been testing out ways to incorporate remote testimony for years in the form of pilot programs in both chambers. We appreciate these efforts but believe that the model used in 2021 is the model we should continue to build from.

Legislative staff were challenged to create and master an entirely new system almost overnight and we are deeply appreciative of this. Staff worked extra hours, overcame huge barriers, and learned new skills to make sure that advocates were still able to access the legislature and we are so grateful for their efforts. Moving forward, we hope to make intentional changes that support participation from underrepresented communities and provide staff the resources, time and training necessary to understand and use an updated system.

Before the 2021 session it was often the case that people with direct lived experience could not tell their own stories in Olympia simply because they couldn’t travel to the Capitol. There are significant barriers to in-person testimony including lack of transportation, the cost of transportation, lack of childcare, needing to take time off work, and many other barriers. This session, the legislature levelled the playing field so that everyone was able to participate, not just those who could pay lobbyists or afford the trip.

Having a remote session also addressed some of the extreme power dynamics that exist between individuals and legislators. Most people who participate in the legislative process do so because they have experienced injustice and want to change the system. It can be intimidating to share these stories in a large hearing room, in front of a group of legislators, while a TVW camera is pointed at you. Providing the option for remote testimony makes this experience more approachable and allows the individual to adjust their view of the hearing. This year there was record participation not only because people didn’t need to travel, but because it was less intimidating to provide testimony through Zoom. This session we saw increased participation from people who have disabilities; who are caregivers, work full time, live far from Olympia especially those in rural Washington, in central and eastern Washington, tenants, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Immigrants, Refugees, survivors of abuse , people who are experiencing homelessness or are unstably housed, young people in the foster care system, people incarcerated in jails, prisons, the juvenile correction system, residents relying on public benefits and more.

We found that over 600 people* who responded to our survey were able to provide testimony, note their position for the record, or meet with legislators who otherwise would not have been able to without remote options. Participation by people with direct lived experiences made our conversations richer, bills better, and our democracy stronger.

  • Over 480 individuals noted their position for the record and wouldn’t have been able to do this without remote options.*
  • Nearly 300 individuals met with a legislator and wouldn’t have been able to do this without remote options.*
  • Nearly 200 individuals testified at a hearing and wouldn’t have been able to do this without remote options.*
  • Nearly 100 individuals I testified for the first time in the state legislature during the 2021 legislative session.*

*These numbers are based on a sample size of 1,020 individuals who self-reported that they had participated in the 2021 legislative session. The total number of people who participated in the 2021 legislative session because of access to remote testimony is likely much larger.

We, the undersigned 1,020 individuals and 203 organizations from all 49 legislative districts, ask the Washington State Legislature to maintain the option for Zoom and phone for testimony and meetings with all committees and legislators while making the following changes:

1. If using a hybrid model, ensure equal access to the legislative process and prioritize direct lived experience of inequity and injustice.

If the legislature provides a hybrid model of both in-person and remote testimony then both options should have equal time available for testimony. The same should be the case if the legislature agrees to maintain in-person and remote meetings with legislators and staff. If both forms of participation are valid they should be treated equally. Additionally, legislators should prioritize testimony from people with direct lived experience of inequity and injustice. Oftentimes, individuals list their connection to an issue in the “Organization” field of the sign in page, for example: “Self Advocate” or “Survivor”. This is one way to identify those at the center of these issues and make sure they have a voice in the legislative process.

2. Streamline access and clearly post where to request accommodations, interpretation, and translation services on the legislative website.

We appreciate that there is information about where to request reasonable accommodations on the landing page to sign up for testimony. And we appreciate that there is helpful information on the Americans with Disabilities Act Information page; however, this page is difficult to find. We are also unable to find information for requesting spoken language interpretation or translation services on the website. Lastly, accommodation requests are required to be submitted 72 hours in advance even though there are last minute amendments to bills and the public often finds out about hearings last minute. Some access needs can be met quickly by using a contracted service. For example, there are online language services that provide on-demand interpreters and other communications access such as captions (real-time or automatic).We ask the legislature to make the following changes to address these barriers:

  • Clearly and distinctly post information on where to request interpretation, translation, and accommodations on the home page.
  • Locate all services which address access needs under one department and in the same place on the legislative website.
  • Allow interpretation and accommodation requests to be filled on shorter notice.

3. Provide live captioning in multiple languages and a live transcript in English for all hearings and work sessions online, in Zoom, and on other TVW streaming services.

This year, TVW provided live captioning on hearings as they were streamed on the TVW channel. However, those waiting to testify in Zoom or watching online did not have access to captioning unless it was requested or the Committee Chair asked for it. Closed or open captioning provides access for people who are hard of hearing, Deaf people1, those who are learning or speak English as a second language, those with processing or sensory disabilities, and even those who may be watching the hearing in a public place without headphones.

Providing a live transcript makes it easier to catch up or figure out what’s going on if the speaker is talking too fast. Speakers should receive instructions on using a microphone and speaking at a moderate pace, which will help with the transcription process. Additionally, technology has been rapidly changing and it is possible to provide captioning in languages other than English. We ask that TVW provide quality captioning in multiple languages and on all streaming platforms to provide greater accessibility.

Quality captioning means:
● Synchronized – the text content should appear at approximately the same time that audio would be available.2
● Equivalent – content provided in captions should be equivalent to that of the spoken word.2
● Accessible – caption content should be readily accessible and available to those who need it.2
● Comprehensible – the text should provide enough context so that the content is understandable. Complete phrases and sentences are preferred.

4. Expand financial support for the non-profit TVW network to increase accessibility.

TVW has the critical role of streaming hearings and events for the legislature, Supreme Court, and many other statewide functions. They have done the best they can with the resources they have but need more funding to increase access and modernize their systems. TVW should receive funding to provide live captioning, spoken language interpretation, ASL interpretation, and the technology needed to provide these services across all programs. Funding should also be provided to update their website and mobile application so that it is accessible by screen reader and has an accessibility toolbar with the features explained under request number six. TVW is the most direct connection between our state government and the people; they should be able to provide services for all Washingtonians.

5. Provide an audio and visual indication of timing for individuals providing testimony.

The current system of providing a visual countdown does not work for everyone. To see the countdown clock you need to be able to change the view of your screen and then see the screen. Providing an audio indication would help people who are b/Blind or low-vision, those with less experience with technology, and those calling in to the hearing. There should be an audio indication for timing in addition to the existing clock so that blind and low vision testifiers and those calling in can stay within the allotted time. Audio indicators will also be helpful for those who are nervous, reading their testimony, and that lobbyist who sometimes goes over time!

1 Individuals who identify as culturally Deaf may be able to use captions to follow along, however, their primary mode of accommodation may be sign language. ASL is not spoken English and is a separate language with its own rules. Captions are helpful to many but cannot substitute other accommodations, in this example ASL. The best practice is to ask people what accommodations they need and provide them.
2 “Accessibility Best Practices: Captions,” Research Guides, accessed August 10, 2021, https://libguides.utk.edu/c.php?g=974111&p=7291875.

6. Plan and conduct hearings with accessibility and inclusion in mind.

Hearings are the only time when the individuals may publicly and formally provide their feedback on bills which the legislature is considering. When hearings are not accessible, individuals are left out of this critical step in the process. One of the issues that young people have expressed is balancing legislative participation with school. At any time of day, people are juggling school, work, and caregiving, and only those who can mitigate those barriers have the privilege of participating. If the legislature could provide an order for testimony at the time of the hearing, or 10 people at a time, this would help folks plan and mitigate some of these barriers. This would also help people who are incarcerated or institutionalized participate, as they often need the assistance of a staff member to access the internet. Last session, Disability Rights Washington created two guidance documents to assist legislators and staff in planning and conducting accessible meetings. We ask the legislature to formally adopt this guidance as standard practice for Committee Chairs and members.

7. Simplify the sign in system, retain remote sign in, and provide basic website accessibility features.

The legislative website is a critical tool as all sign in and bill information is housed there. However, the website and submission form can be confusing to those who are not experienced in legislative advocacy. This means that those newer to legislative advocacy, have less experience with technology, speak a language other than English, or have a disability struggle significantly to use this system. To navigate the new sign in system, many organizations put together guides, held tutorials, and volunteered to sign in individuals to mitigate these problems.

We ask that the legislature address these problems in the following ways:

  • Create one access point on the home page for sign in and submitting written testimony.
  • Consolidate the feature for submitting written testimony and noting a position for the record. This way, those who submit written testimony automatically have their position noted for the record and those who note their position for the record have the option of submitting written testimony at the same time.
  • We appreciate that there is now a written guide on how to navigate this system, but for many this is inaccessible. We ask that the legislature create a video tutorial for multiple languages, with an audio description for those who cannot access the written text. We also ask the legislature to add information about accommodation and interpretation on the written guide and in the video tutorial.
  • Add an accessibility toolbar to the top of the website that includes the following features: zoom in and out, inverted background and color scheme, audio version of text, translation to different languages, ruler, and more.
  • Additionally, we ask the legislature to maintain the option of noting your position for the record without being on the capitol campus. Constituents should have their voice heard even if they cannot travel to Olympia.

8. Require fewer fields for sign in.

Currently, all fields except for “Organization” are required to be filled out to sign in for hearings. Often survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault and undocumented individuals do not want to share this much information, as they are concerned for their safety. By requiring all of this personal information, the legislature has created an unintentional barrier for these communities who want to access the legislative process. We ask the legislature to make the following changes:
● Change the address field to allow an address or legislative district.
● Do not require an address or legislative district to submit the form.
● Do not require a phone number.

9. Clearly and distinctly state that information provided through the sign in page is subject to public disclosure.

At the end of a long paragraph, the webpage says, “Please ensure your information is accurate. It will be part of the legislative record and used by TVW for online and television graphics.” It is not clear that this information can be accessed by anyone and should be restated in plain language and bolded.

10. Do not charge individuals for printouts who do not have access to the internet.

The legislative information office has started charging incarcerated people copying fees when they ask for a bill to be mailed. This is logistically very difficult and time consuming. The legislature moves quickly and by the time this is accomplished the individual will have an old version of the bill. Additionally, many incarcerated people do not have money to pay for this. Individuals who do not have access to the internet, where this information is housed, should have free access to legislation in the mail.

11. Use one platform for all legislative meetings and hearings.

During the 2021 session, the House of Representatives used Zoom for meetings and hearings, while the Senate used Teams for meetings and Zoom for hearings. It may seem like a small task to switch between the two platforms, however, this requires downloading two different applications and proficiency in navigating two different platforms. For those who use accessibility devices, are unfamiliar with the technology, speak a language other than English, or have a disability, this is a significant barrier. We ask that both chambers use Zoom only for both hearings and meetings and that all lawmakers have equal access to accessibility features available for hearings.

While we have pooled feedback from a multitude of different communities, we know that there are things this letter will not capture and that new things will come up. It’s crucial that the legislature continues to learn and grow in this area and keeps an open line of communication with the public. One way to do this is to circulate a feedback survey every year at the end of the session to learn about and improve advocates’ experiences navigating the legislative process. We look forward to working together to increase accessibility and create a more inclusive process for the public to participate.

Thank you for your willingness to change systems and improve accessibility so that all people with direct lived experiences of inequity can meaningfully participate in democracy.


  1. ACLU of Washington
  2. Adult Family Home Council of Washington State
  3. After-School All-Stars Puget Sound
  4. Alliance of People with disAbilities
  5. All In for Washington
  6. Amara
  7. American Association of University Women – WA
  8. Andrew J Phillips
  9. APACE Washington
  10. The Arc of King County
  11. The Arc of Spokane
  12. The Arc of Washington State
  13. The Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Awareness Group (APICAG), Stafford Creek chapter
  14. Association of Manufactured Home Owners
  15. A Way Home Washington
  16. Balance Our Tax Code
  17. Be:Seattle
  18. Birchwood Food Desert Fighters
  19. Black Prisoners’ Caucus, Stafford Creek chapter
  20. Building Changes
  21. Campion Advocacy Fund
  22. Caring With Compassion Community ™
  23. Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services of Western WA
  24. Center for Children & Youth Justice
  25. Center for Independence
  26. Child Care Aware of Washington
  27. Child Care Resources
  28. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Washington
  29. Children’s Campaign Fund
  30. Children’s Home Society of Washington
  31. CHOOSE 180
  32. City of Seattle
  33. Civic Ventures
  34. Clark County Justice Group
  35. Cocoon House
  36. Columbia Legal Services
  37. Communities In Schools of Washington State Network
  38. Communities of Color Coalition (C3)
  39. The Community Employment Alliance
  40. Community Homes
  41. Community Life
  42. Community Passageways
  43. Compass Housing Alliance
  44. Council for the Homeless
  45. CVAB
  46. Disability Rights Washington
  47. Dream Investment Strategies
  48. Dream Weaving Peer Counseling Services LLC
  49. Easterseals Washington
  50. Economic Opportunity Institute
  51. Educational Service District 123
  52. Epiphanies of Equity LLC
  53. Equity in education coalition
  54. Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund
  55. Faith Action Network
  56. Fix Democracy First
  57. FOTi (Families of the Incarcerated)
  58. FreeSnorri.com
  59. Front and Centered
  60. Future To Believe In
  61. FW Black Collective
  62. Gender Justice League
  63. Greater Spokane Progress
  64. Hart Investing Company
  65. Health and Justice Recovery Alliance
  66. Hearing Loss Association of America – Washington State Association
  67. Homes First
  68. Housing Consortium of Everett & Snohomish County
  69. Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County
  70. Housing Justice Project
  71. Indivisible Plus Washington
  72. Islamic Civic Engagement Project
  73. Jason Call for Congress
  74. Jewish Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
  75. Jewish Prisoner Services international
  76. The Justice for Girls Coalition of WA State
  77. King County Equity Now
  78. Lake Forest Park Citizens’ Commission
  79. Latino Community Fund
  80. League of Education Voters
  81. Legal Counsel for Youth and Children
  82. Lifespan Education
  83. Look2Justice
  84. MAPS-AMEN (American Muslim Empowerment Network)
  85. Mariposa House
  86. Mary’s Place
  87. MDC – Metropolitan Development Council
  88. The Mockingbird Society
  89. MOMI–Mothers of the Mentally Ill
  90. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America
  91. MomsRising
  92. Move Redmond
  93. NAACP legal redress committee Vancouver Branch 1139
  94. NAMI Washington
  95. (NCJW) National Council of Jewish Women WA State
  96. New Connections, Tacoma
  97. Next Steps Washington
  98. NorthStar Advocates
  99. Northwest Community Bail Fund
  100. Northwest Fair Housing Alliance
  101. Northwest Progressive Institute
  102. Northwest Progressive Foundation
  103. Northwest Youth Services
  104. Nuestro Grupo Cultural
  105. OneAmerica
  106. OPAL Community Land Trust
  107. Open Doors for Multicultural Families
  108. Orange Child
  109. Our Climate
  110. Pacific Islander Health Board of Washington
  111. Paige Hulsey and Complexiphy SPC
  112. Partners for Our Children
  113. Passages Family Support
  114. PAVE
  115. Peace & Justice Action League of Spokane
  116. PEACE NW
  117. PEARS People Empowerment and Renewal Services
  118. Peer Washington
  119. Peninsula Poverty Response
  120. People First of Washington
  121. Pierce County Accessible Community Advisory Committee
  122. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Greater Washington and North Idaho
  123. Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates
  124. Plymouth Housing
  125. Politics of the Possible in Action
  126. Progreso: Latino Progress
  127. PSARA (Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action)
  128. Puget Sound Sage
  129. QLaw Foundation of Washington
  130. Renton Innovation Zone Partnership
  131. Resident Action Project
  132. Resident Action Project, Gov Jay Inslee PRWG Steering Committee members
  133. Revive Center For Returning Citizens
  134. Rooted in Rights
  135. Roots of Inclusion
  136. S.D.M. Consulting
  137. Sea Mar Community Health Centers
  138. Seattle Cruise Control
  139. Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness
  140. Seattle Women’s Commission
  141. Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL)
  142. Shared Housing Services
  143. Share The Cities Action Fund
  144. Smith-Barbieri Progressive Fund
  145. South Seattle Climate Action Network
  146. Southwest Youth and Family Services
  147. Spectrum Institute
  148. Spokane Community Against Racism
  149. The Spokane Ecosocialist
  150. Standing Against Foreclosure and Eviction
  151. State Innovation Exchange
  152. Statewide Poverty Action Network
  153. Stratagem Law Group, PLLC
  154. Tacoma Pierce County Coalition to End Homelessness
  155. Tacoma Urban League
  156. TeamChild
  157. Tenants Union of Washington State
  158. Transitions
  159. Transit Riders Union
  160. Transportation Choices Coalition
  161. Treehouse
  162. Tri-city Democrats
  163. University District Food Bank
  164. The Urbanist
  165. Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
  166. Vets for peace
  167. WA Drivers Relicensing Taskforce
  168. Wallingford Indivisible
  169. Washington Association for Children and Families
  170. Washington Association of Area Agencies on Aging (W4A)
  171. Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  172. Washington Civil & Disability Advocate
  173. Washington Coalition for Homeless Youth Advocacy (WACHYA)
  174. Washington Community Alliance
  175. Washington Conservation Voters
  176. Washington Continuing Care Residents’ Association
  177. Washington Defender Association
  178. Washington Environmental Council
  179. Washington Housing Alliance Action Fund
  180. Washington Initiative for Supported Employment
  181. Washington Legislative and Policy Advocates
  182. Washington Low Income Housing Alliance
  183. Washington Nonprofits
  184. Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
  185. Washington State Association of the Deaf
  186. Washington State Budget & Policy Center
  187. Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
  188. Washington State Community Action Partnership
  189. Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council
  190. Washington STEM
  191. Washington Student Association
  192. Washington Voting Justice Coalition
  193. WA State Independent Living Council
  194. West Seattle Food Bank
  195. What’s Next – Washington
  196. Whole Washington
  197. The Wilderness Society
  198. Yakima Bikes and Walks!
  199. YouthCare
  200. Youth Development Executives of King County
  201. YWCA Seattle | King | Snohomish
  202. 350 WA Civic Action Team
  203. 350Wenatchee


  1. Aaron Flaster, 37th LD
  2. Abby Griffith, 49th LD
  3. Abigail Houghton, 37th LD
  4. Abigail Shepherd, 6th LD
  5. Adanna Abakporo, 34th LD
  6. Addie Klassen, 4th LD
  7. Ahmed H. Abdulkarim, 43rd LD
  8. Aileen D. Kane, 14th LD
  10. Alexa Fay, 43rd LD
  11. Alexander Hanel, 37th LD
  12. Alexander Hyman, 43rd LD
  13. Alexandra Deas, 36th LD
  14. Alexandra McConaughey, 48th LD
  15. Alexis Fuller, 9th LD
  16. Alice Allison, 9th LD
  17. Alice Lockhart, 46th LD
  18. Alicia Crank, 21st LD
  19. Alina Swart, 9th LD
  20. Alisa Lee, 27th LD
  21. Alison Cardinal
  22. Alison Eisinger, 43rd LD
  23. Alison McCaffree, 28th LD
  24. Aliza Mossman, 46th LD
  25. Allan Affleck, 43rd LD
  26. Allena Sharpe, 48th LD
  27. Allexa Laycock, 43rd LD
  28. Allison Jacobs, 37th LD
  29. Alvin H Novack, 43rd LD
  30. Amalia Magaret, 46th LD
  31. Amanda Nicol, 22nd LD
  32. Amanda Putney, 30th LD
  33. Amber, 3rd LD
  34. Amber Christiansen, 43rd LD
  35. Amber Oosting, 3rd LD
  36. Amber Pepka
  37. Ambrosia Marie Eberhardt, 6th LD
  38. Amelia Brandt, 43rd LD
  39. Amiee Yelinek, 34th LD
  40. Amie Newman, 11th LD
  41. Amin Tony Hester, 25th LD
  42. Amy Avnet, 46th LD
  43. Amy Compestine, 4th LD
  44. Amy D. Robertson, 32nd LD
  45. Amy Groesbeck, 37th LD
  46. Amy Hagopian, PhD, 37th LD
  47. Amy Jacobsen, 47th LD
  48. Amy Kangas, 34th LD
  49. Amy Madden, 43rd LD
  50. Amy McHenry, 45th LD
  51. Ana Silva
  52. Andi Ervin, 22nd LD
  53. Andrea B. Avni, 34th LD
  54. Andrea Kovich, 34th LD
  55. Andrew Katz, 43rd LD
  56. Andrew Kidde, 37th LD
  57. Andrew Villeneuve, 45th LD
  58. Andrew Zorich, 37th LD
  59. Andy Motz, 27th LD
  60. Aneelah Afzali, 34th LD
  61. Angela Bellacosa, 43rd LD
  62. Angela Compton, 29th LD
  63. Angela Hudson, 43rd LD
  64. Angela Mika Holton, 2nd LD
  65. Angela Wilkinson, 49th LD
  66. Angeline Zalben, 43rd LD
  67. Anisha Srinivasan, 37th LD
  68. Anita Tourigny, 34th LD
  69. Anja Roozen, 39th LD
  70. Anna Barker
  71. Annalesa Thomas, 29th LD
  72. Anne Drury, 46th LD
  73. Anne Hall, 40th LD
  74. Annemarie Bouffiou, 35th LD
  75. Anne Sadler
  76. Annette Jones, 33rd LD
  77. Ann Milam, 43rd LD
  78. ann n dawson, 34th LD
  79. Ann T. LeVeque, 43rd LD
  80. Anthea Kjerulff
  81. Antoinette Bonsignore, 45th LD
  82. April Dickinson, 4th LD
  83. Arianna laureano, 43rd LD
  84. Arik Korman, 36th LD
  85. Armani Salary, 41st LD
  86. Ashley Lindell, 34th LD
  87. Ashley Shanks, 3rd LD
  88. Audrey Pitigliano, 25th LD
  89. Bailey de Iongh, 34th LD
  90. Barbara Blair, 46th LD
  91. Barbara de Michele, 5th LD
  92. Barbara Eklund, 38th LD
  93. Barbara Fristoe, 11th LD
  94. Barbara J. Williams, 43rd LD
  95. Barbara Leigh, 46th LD
  96. Barbara Phinney, 32nd LD
  97. Barbara Turner, 27th LD
  98. Barbra Chevalier, 41st LD
  99. Barret Carpentee, 10th LD
  100. Barry Witham, 45th LD
  101. B. Cassandra Carothers, 43rd LD
  102. Becky Frankeberger, 35th LD
  103. Ben Illman, 31st LD
  104. Bennett Massey-Helber, 10th LD
  105. Ben Peterson, 22nd LD
  106. Ben Rall
  107. Betsy Foley, 43rd LD
  108. Betty Hauser, 22nd LD
  109. Beth Brunton, 37th LD
  110. Beverly Miller, 34th LD
  111. Beverly Parsons, 23rd LD
  112. Bev Nelson, 45th LD
  113. Bharadwaj Hegde, 6th LD
  114. Bill Abelson, 46th LD
  115. Blythe Alysse Horman, 46th LD
  116. Bonnie E Miller, 43rd LD
  117. Bonnie Morris, 46th LD
  118. Brad Berry, 49th LD
  119. Bradley Fowler, 41st LD
  120. Braia Benjamin, 36th LD
  121. Brenda Nixdorf, 1st LD
  122. Brenda Sue Luke, 34th LD
  123. Brent McFarlane, 32nd LD
  124. Bret Barnecut, 34th LD
  125. Brett Folkins, 36th LD
  126. Brianna Fenske, 2nd LD
  127. Brianna Rollins, 3rd LD
  128. brian simpson, 43rd LD
  129. Bridget Molina, 32nd LD
  130. Brie Gyncild, 43rd LD
  131. Brittany Hartikainen, 8th LD
  132. Brittany Reese, 33rd LD
  133. Brittney Bush Bollay, 36th LD
  134. Brit Wilson, 3rd LD
  135. Brook Fadley, 49th LD
  136. Bruce Amundson, MD, 32nd LD
  137. Bruce Radtke, 42nd LD
  138. Bruce VanTassell
  139. Bud Nicola, 36th LD
  140. Camille Gix, 43rd LD
  141. Cammie Carl, 33rd LD
  142. Candace Tkachuck, 36th LD
  143. Cara Vallier, 43rd LD
  144. Carey Wallace
  145. Carla Bueno, 37th LD
  146. Carla Saulter, 37th LD
  147. Carl Baker, 8th LD
  148. Carlee Hoover, 11th LD
  149. Carlos J. Caguiat, 45th LD
  150. Carmen Pacheco Jones
  151. Carmen Gilmore, 40th LD
  152. Carol A. Bosworth
  153. Carol Benefiel, 18th LD
  154. CAROL COLLERAN, 28th LD
  155. Carol H Butterfield, 36th LD
  156. Carol Isaac, 36th LD
  157. Carol Luthra, 11th LD
  158. carolyn atkinson, 37th LD
  159. Carolyn Burton, 43rd LD
  160. Carolyn Marshall
  161. Carolyn Odio, 22nd LD
  162. Carolyn Treadway, 22nd LD
  163. Carrie Blackwood, 40th LD
  164. Carrie Parks, 17th LD
  165. Casey Trupin, 43rd LD
  166. Cassandra Floresca, 43rd LD
  167. CASSANDRA S. ANDO, 3rd LD
  168. Catarina Tarvin, 43rd LD
  169. Catherine Nichols, 32nd LD
  170. Catherine Parker, 37th LD
  171. Cathy Murahashi, 41st LD
  172. Cause Haun, 34th LD
  173. C Carol Welsh, 17th LD
  174. Cecelia Black, 43rd LD
  175. Cecelia Haack, 19th LD
  176. Cha Cha Sawyer, 46th LD
  177. Chanel Rhymes, 28th LD
  178. Charlene MacKenzie, 42nd LD
  179. Charles E Pope, 43rd LD
  180. Charles Nixdorf, 1st LD
  181. Charles Smith, 36th LD
  182. Charlotte Kayne-Amoureux, 43rd LD
  183. Chelsea Moore, 36th LD
  184. Chelsea Myers, 36th LD
  185. Cherie M Charvet, 23rd LD
  186. Cheri Perazzoli, 45th LD
  187. Cheryl Banta, 25th LD
  188. Cheryl Berenson, 43rd LD
  189. Chester Wells
  190. Chris Covert-Bowlds, MD, 36th LD
  191. Christa Erwin, 37th LD
  192. Christa Lenssen, 22nd LD
  193. ChrisTiana ObeySumner, 46th LD
  194. Christian Skinner Smith, 5th LD
  195. Christie Hedman, 36th LD
  196. Christie Robertson, 46th LD
  197. christi lewis
  198. Christina Tarvin, 10th LD
  199. Christine Jamin, 43rd LD
  200. Christine Kohnert, 10th LD
  201. Christine Lew, 32nd LD
  202. Christopher Buckley, 46th LD
  203. Christopher Wright, 34th LD
  204. Cindy Ann Cole, 42nd LD
  205. Cindy Black, 32nd LD
  206. Cindy carr
  207. Cinthia Illan Vazquez, 34th LD
  208. CJ, 46th LD
  209. Claire Alkire
  210. Claire Phillips, 41st LD
  211. Claire Tirtoprodjo, 43rd LD
  212. Clara Cantor, 37th LD
  213. Claudia Davidson, 1st LD
  214. Claudia Eberly, 1st LD
  215. Claudia Pineda, 37th LD
  216. Clayton M Compton, 48th LD
  217. CL Crowther, 46th LD
  218. CM Betsy Wilkerson, 3rd LD
  219. Colin McMahon, 32nd LD
  220. Colleen Roman, 43rd LD
  221. Colleen Young
  222. Connie Hollis, 7th LD
  223. Conrad Reynoldson, 46th LD
  224. Corey Ford, 43rd LD
  225. Corin Goodwin, 11th LD
  226. Corinna Fale, 21st LD
  227. C R (Rick) Baugh, 43rd LD
  228. C. Spiess, 43rd LD
  229. Cynthia Manycolors
  230. Cynthia Stewart, 35th LD
  231. Daisy Deely, 43rd LD
  232. Danae Dotolo, 28th LD
  233. Danial Border, 23rd LD
  234. Daniella Clark, Ph.D., 22nd LD
  235. Daniel Low, 37th LD
  236. Dan Ophardt, 3rd LD
  237. Darby Bennett, 42nd LD
  238. Darla Helt, 49th LD
  239. Darlene Miller, 44th LD
  240. David Berrian, 24th LD
  241. David Brook, 47th LD
  242. David Carlson, 3rd LD
  243. David L. Bosworth, 45th L
  244. David Lord, 36th LD
  245. David Newell, 46th LD
  246. David Perk, 43rd LD
  247. David Schuldt, 43rd LD
  248. David Seater, 43rd LD
  249. David S Newman, 32nd LD
  250. David Streeter, 37th LD
  251. David S Viers, 17th LD
  252. David Turnoy, 40th LD
  253. David Wall, 43rd LD
  254. David Y. Isenberg, DDS, 41st LD
  255. Dawn Rains, 34th LD
  256. Dean Olson, 32nd LD
  257. Deborah Brooks, 3rd LD
  258. Deborah Carstens, 43rd LD
  259. Deborah Jennison, 3rd LD
  260. Deborah Pedersen, 24th LD
  261. Debra Jaquua, 35th LD
  262. Dee Ann Kline, 35th LD
  263. Demian Godon, 36th LD
  264. Denise C. Jarvis, 5th LD
  265. Denise Farrer, 36th LD
  266. Denise R Roux, 33rd LD
  267. Denis Martynowych, 34th LD
  268. Denisse Guerrero, 6th LD
  269. Dennis Heller, 32nd LD
  270. Derek Dexheimer, 11th LD
  271. Devin K Glaser, 37th LD
  272. Devin Myers, 21st LD
  273. Devon Kellogg, 48th LD
  274. Diana Stack Roberts, 49th LD
  275. Diane Follett, 29th LD
  276. Diane Holmes, 43rd LD
  277. Diane Kaul Sundvik, 8th LD
  278. Diane Stevens, 43rd LD
  279. Dimitri Groce
  280. D. Marian Karpoff, 36th LD
  281. Dolly Arnaldo, 5th LD
  282. Dominique Horn, 49th LD
  283. Donald Lane, 45th LD
  284. Donna Bertolino Phares, 34th LD
  285. Donna Davison, 39th LD
  286. Donna Kristaponis, 45th LD
  287. Dora “Duaa-Rahemaah” Williams, 6th LD
  288. Doris (Jody) Wilson, 45th LD
  289. Dorothy Jordan, 42nd LD
  290. Doug Trumm, 43rd LD
  291. d robinson, 7th LD
  292. Duane Parker
  293. Edie Rice-Sauer, 6th LD
  294. Edward Griffiths, 43rd LD
  295. Edwyna Spiegel
  296. Eileen Harris, 35th LD
  297. Eilish Villa Malone, 14th LD
  298. Eleanor (Ginger) Wireman, 16th LD
  299. Eleanor Hamburger, 37th LD
  300. Eleanor Martinez Smith, 43rd LD
  301. Eleanor van Noppen, 22nd LD
  302. Elena Perez, 34th LD
  303. Elena Rumiantseva, 46th LD
  304. Elise DeGooyer, 37th LD
  305. ELISIA DALLUGE, 13th LD
  306. Elizabeth A Murphy, 34th LD
  307. Elizabeth Archambault, 36th LD
  308. Elizabeth Dilley, 11th LD
  309. Elizabeth Hanson, 43rd LD
  310. Elizabeth Jimenez, 3rd LD
  311. Elizabeth Maupin, 5th LD
  312. Elizabeth Reis, 37th LD
  313. Elizah DeMartini, 32nd LD
  314. Ellesha Gasperini, 42nd LD
  315. Ellie Bridge, 36th LD
  316. Elliott Grace Harvey, 43rd LD
  317. Emmett O’Connell, 22nd LD
  318. Emily Childs, 37th LD
  319. Emily Facci, 37th LD
  320. Emily Grant, 3rd LD
  321. Emily Jean Mah, 5th LD
  322. Emily Klein, 23rd LD
  323. Emily Knudsen, 37th LD
  324. Emily Parzybok, 37th LD
  325. Emily Stochel, 10th LD
  326. Emmett Simmons, 6th LD
  327. Eowyn Savela, 42nd LD
  328. Erica Clawson, 46th LD
  329. Eric Warwick, 3rd LD
  330. Erika Bartlett
  331. Erika Chen, 37th LD
  332. Erik Houser, 43rd LD
  333. Erin Dury, 36th LD
  334. Erin Fitzpatrick, 37th LD
  335. Erin Fried, 37th LD
  336. Erlene VanDerMeer, 10th LD
  337. Esther Kronenberg, 22nd LD
  338. Ethan C. Campbell, 43rd LD
  339. Ethan Frenchman, 46th LD
  340. Eugene Webb, 43rd LD
  341. Eva Goubert, 22nd LD
  342. Evonne Hedgepeth PhD, 22nd LD
  343. Fanny Yang, 34th LD
  344. Farhana Loonat, PhD, 40th LD
  345. Farshad Forouhar, 46th LD
  346. Fawna Slavik, 6th LD
  347. Frances Walker, 48th LD
  348. Frank Andersen, 5th LD
  349. Fran Yeatts
  350. Gabriella Davis
  351. Gabriel Silberblatt, 37th LD
  352. Garland McQuinn, 43rd LD
  353. Gay-Lynn Beighton, 21st LD
  354. Gene David Hart, 23rd LD
  355. Geneva J Thompson, 43rd LD
  356. Geneva Langworthy, 24th LD
  357. George Summers, 37th LD
  358. Gerry Pollet, 46th LD
  359. Gisela Baxter, 43rd LD
  360. Gina Tilley, 3rd LD
  361. Giovanni Severino, 15th LD
  362. Glen Anderson, 22nd LD
  363. Glenda Philio, 47th LD
  364. Glenn Rimbey
  365. Grace Hope, 27th LD
  366. Grady Thompson, 25th LD
  367. Greg Bawden, 5th LD
  368. Greg Stinson, 37th LD
  369. Gretchen Richter de Medeiros, 5th LD
  370. Gordon Gray, 43rd LD
  371. GORDON S GLASGOW, 11th LD
  372. Gunda E Vesque, 10th LD
  373. Guneeta Chadha, 48th LD
  374. Gwen Loosmore
  375. Hailey Gray, 43rd LD
  376. Hannah Bahnmiller
  377. Hannah Lindell-Smith, 34th LD
  378. Hans swenson, 22nd LD
  379. Harry Kiick, 17th LD
  380. Heather Grimes, 49th LD
  381. Heather McKimmie, 21st LD
  382. Heather Moore, 5th LD
  383. Heidi Hayward, 10th LD
  384. Helen Buckland, 24th LD
  385. Helen Palisin, 43rd LD
  386. Helen Whitlock, 36th LD
  387. Henry J. Sommer, Jr
  388. Hester Winn
  389. Hiromi Lorraine Sakata, 43rd LD
  390. Hollis Higgins, 3rd LD
  391. Holly Brewer, 23rd LD
  392. Holly west, 47th LD
  393. Homeira Karamlou, 21st LD
  394. Howard Rubenstein, 17th LD
  395. Idabelle Fosse, 37th LD
  396. iLeana Areiza, 29th LD
  397. Isaac Patterson, 36th LD
  398. Ishbel Dickens
  399. Jac Archer, 3rd LD
  400. Jackie Belanger, 36th LD
  401. Jackson Pietsch, 43rd LD
  402. Jade Lauw
  403. James A Crim, 45th LD
  404. James A Hendrickson, 48th LD
  405. James gray dds
  406. James Husband, 45th LD
  407. Dr. James H. Williams, 28th LD
  408. James Little, 43rd LD
  409. James Mulcare, 9th LD
  410. James M Wallrabenstein, 4th LD
  411. James Sutter, 37th LD
  412. Jamie L Peltier, 44th LD
  413. Jamie Madden, 36th LD
  414. Jamie Ptacek, 36th LD
  415. Jamilah Williams, 11th LD
  416. Jana Finkbonner, 42nd LD
  417. Jane Blackwell, 43rd LD
  418. Janel Lardizabal, 34th LD
  419. Janet Riordan
  420. Jane Ward, 40th LD
  421. Jane Weiss, 44th LD
  422. Janis Avery, 37th LD
  423. Jan Thomas, 36th LD
  424. Jan Weisel, 45th LD
  425. Jason Call, 44th LD
  426. Jason Gauthier, 27th LD
  427. Jason Gortney, 46th LD
  428. Jason Rock, 37th LD
  429. Jaya Duckworth, 43rd LD
  430. Jay Elder, 20th LD
  431. JAYSON T MORRIS, 36th LD
  432. Jay Williamson, 34th LD
  433. Jazmine Smith, 36th LD
  434. Jean C. Hedrick, 43rd LD
  435. Jean Darsie, 36th LD
  436. Jean M. Schwinberg, 43rd LD
  437. Jeanne Bulla, 33rd LD
  438. Jeanne Poirier, 12th LD
  439. Jeannie Shu, 43rd LD
  440. Jeff DeLuca, 22nd LD
  441. Jen Boone, 46th LD
  442. Jene Ray, 4th LD
  443. Jennifer Beetem, 43rd LD
  444. Jennifer Delia-Bereskin, 21st LD
  445. Jennifer Estroff
  446. Jennifer Mechem, 41st LD
  447. Jen Nye, 34th LD
  448. Jerri Clark, 18th LD
  449. Jess Agi
  450. Jesse Paulsen, 43rd LD
  451. Jessica C. Trupin, 43rd LD
  452. Jessica Forsythe, 48th LD
  453. Jessica Harbacheck
  454. Jessica Juarez-Wagner, 43rd LD
  455. Jessi Murray, 43rd LD
  456. Jess Rock, 37th LD
  457. Jill MacIntyre Witt, 42nd LD
  458. Jim Drinkwine
  459. Jim Freeburg, 41st LD
  460. Jim House, 37th LD
  461. Jim Howe, 45th LD
  462. Jim Rutherford, 3rd LD
  463. Joachim Veith, 1st LD
  464. Joana Ramos, 43rd LD
  465. joan johnston
  466. Joan Lawson
  467. Joanne Crum, 48th LD
  468. Joanne Rose, 6th LD
  469. Joanne Smieja, 6th LD
  470. Jo Bechtold, 11th LD
  471. Jody Montgomery, 16th LD
  472. Joe A Kunzler, 39th LD
  473. Joe Berkson, 43rd LD
  474. Joe L Hailey, 34th LD
  475. Johanna H Brown, 43rd LD
  476. JOHN A GRUSE, 26th LD
  477. John alder, 3rd LD
  478. John Frasca, 24th LD
  479. John M. Smith, 39th LD
  480. John Ned
  481. Johnny Townsend, 37th LD
  482. John Schleicher, 45th LD
  483. John Stovall, 37th LD
  484. John W Keizur, 5th LD
  485. Jo Maxwell, 1st LD
  486. Jonathan Pincus, 48th LD
  487. Joni Brown, 3rd LD
  488. Jordan Goldwarg, 43rd LD
  489. Jorge Solis-Muñoz, 14th LD
  490. Joseph C Gray, 14th LD
  491. Joyce Brekke, 49th LD
  492. Joyce Houser-Ferkovich, 5th LD
  493. Joyce Littlebear, 24th LD
  494. Joy Cochran, 27th LD
  495. J Peter Shapiro, 43rd LD
  496. Juanita Perez
  497. Judith Bezy, 43rd LD
  498. Judy Love, 5th LD
  499. Judy Olsen, 27th LD
  500. Julia Buck, 36th LD
  501. Julia Mercedes Riggs, 18th LD
  502. Julian F. Wheeler (he/him/his), 29th LD
  503. Julianne Gale, 35th LD
  504. JULIE HOLLAND, 43rd LD
  505. Julie Kageler, 43rd LD
  506. Julie Martinson, 38th LD
  507. Julie Popper, 37th LD
  508. Julie van Arcken, 11th LD
  509. Julie Wells, 31st LD
  510. Ju Namkung, 43rd LD
  511. Jupiter McGee, 4th LD
  512. Justice Forral, 3rd LD
  513. Justine Stromberg, 45th LD
  514. Kai Aprill-Tomlin, MSW, 43rd LD
  515. Kaitlin Heinen, 48th LD
  516. Kaley Dugger, 43rd LD
  517. Kaley Joss, 42nd LD
  518. Kara Andersen, 21st LD
  519. Karen Gilmour, 45th LD
  520. Karen Schilde, 38th LD
  521. Karen Smith, 13th LD
  522. Karen Studders, 36th LD
  523. karen t.
  524. Karen Taylor
  525. Karen Tennyson, 48th LD
  526. Karen Utter, 21st LD
  527. Karin Vandraiss, 34th LD
  528. Kassandra Henning, 43rd LD
  529. Kate Bitz, 3rd LD
  530. Kate Harvey, 16th LD
  531. Kate Rubin, 37th LD
  532. Katherine Bicknell, 37th LD
  533. Katherine Graubard, 43rd LD
  534. Katherine Leggett, 46th LD
  535. Katherine Woolverton, 34th LD
  536. Kathleen Myers, 37th LD
  537. Kathryn Downie, 43rd LD
  538. Kathryn Pitroff, 45th LD
  539. Kathy Frasier, 2nd LD
  540. Kathy Strauss, 22nd LD
  541. Katie Biron, 45th LD
  542. Katie Stultz, 46th LD
  543. Kayla Newcomer, 36th LD
  544. Kayleigh Somers, 36th LD
  545. kayona crenshaw, 25th LD
  546. KC, 43rd LD
  547. Kehaulani Walker, 32nd LD
  548. Keith Skore, 21st LD
  549. Kelli Refer, 43rd LD
  550. Kelly D. Triggs, 47th LD
  551. Kelly Hickman, 37th LD
  552. Kelly Martin-Vegue, RN, MSW, 37th LD
  553. kelly n, 36th LD
  554. Kelsey Monaco, 35th LD
  555. Kendall Jennings, 37th LD
  556. Kenita Sullivan, 12th LD
  557. Kenji Linane-Booey, 3rd LD
  558. Kent Hill, 32nd LD
  559. Kevin Frankeberger, pH.D., 35th LD
  560. Kevin Jordan, 33rd LD
  561. k f Schonholtz
  562. Kimberley Gatbunton, 28th LD
  563. kimberly hickman, 10th LD
  564. Kimberly Kinchen, 43rd LD
  565. Kimberly R Kreber, 3rd LD
  566. Kitty Craig, 34th LD
  567. Kitty Klitzke, 3rd LD
  568. Korbie Jorgensen Haley, 13th LD
  569. Kris Lambright, 46th LD
  570. Krista Milhofer, 28th LD
  571. Kristina Soman-Faulkner
  572. Kristin Kettel, 47th LD
  573. Kristin Tregillus, 37th LD
  574. Kourosh Farivar, 46th LD
  575. Kurtis Robinson
  576. Kyla M. Evans, 37th LD
  577. Kyle Matheson, 32nd LD
  578. Kylie Walsh, 38th LD
  579. Lael White, 32nd LD
  580. Larry Lawton, 24th LD
  581. Larry Lowther, 13th LD
  582. Larry Luton, 3rd LD
  583. Laura Ackerman, 6th LD
  584. Laura Bailey
  585. Laura Cohen, 37th LD
  586. Laura Ellsworth, 49th LD
  587. Laura Felice, 37th LD
  588. Laura Gibbons, 37th LD
  589. Laura Kissler, 5th LD
  590. Laura Loe, 36th LD
  591. Laura McHenry, 45th LD
  592. Laura Pierce, 37th LD
  593. Laura Skelton
  594. Laura Stone Gruse, 26th LD
  595. Laura Van Tosh, 37th LD
  596. Laurel Jones Simonsen, 36th LD
  597. Lauren Ballinger, 43rd LD
  598. Lauren Maria Tozzi, 43rd LD
  599. Lauren Sewell, 43rd LD
  600. Laureen France, 36th LD
  601. Lauretta E. Anderson, 43rd LD
  602. Laurie Holscher, 36th LD
  603. Laurie Lippold, 46th LD
  604. L Dong, 45th LD
  605. Lea Fronterhouse, 36th LD
  606. Leandra Craft, 30th LD
  607. Leigh Hofheimer, 37th LD
  608. Leo Anthony Kucewicz
  609. Lerria Schuh, 3rd LD
  610. Leslie Cushman, 22nd LD
  611. Leslie Horton, 46th LD
  612. Leslie Klein, 43rd LD
  613. Leslie McCallum, 46th LD
  614. Leyla Salmassi, 46th LD
  615. Liam Bradshaw, 46th LD
  616. Liisa Wale, 40th LD
  617. Lika Smith, 27th LD
  618. Lily Sweeney, 36th LD
  619. Linda Ellsworth, 40th LD
  620. Linda J. Berkman, 43rd LD
  621. Linda L Carroll, 3rd LD
  622. Linda maser, 34th LD
  623. Linda Mitchell, 43rd LD
  624. Linda Williams, 6th LD
  625. Linde Knighton, 36th LD
  626. Lindsay Shea, 46th LD
  627. Lindsey Muszkiewicz, 36th LD
  628. Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin, 24th LD
  629. Lin Hagedorn, 45th LD
  630. Lisa Byers, 40th LD
  631. Lisa Robbe, 6th LD
  632. Lisa Utter, 32nd LD
  633. Liza Burell, 11th LD
  634. Liza Rankin, 46th LD
  635. Lizbeth Gonzalez Vasquez, 42nd
  636. Lizbeth Rivera, 12th LD
  637. Liz Trautman, 36th LD
  638. Liz VanBemmel, 45th LD
  639. Lois Andrews, 17th LD
  640. Lonnie D. Quitter, 35th LD
  641. Lora Rathbone, 8th LD
  642. Loretta S. Pedersen, 16th LD
  643. Lorie Lucky, 30th LD
  644. Lorie Smith, 27th LD
  645. Lori Hedgepeth
  646. Lorraine D. Johnson, 46th LD
  647. Lorraine Hartmann, 46th LD
  648. Lorraine Yerger, 45th LD
  649. Lou Damborg, 43rd LD
  650. Louise Lansberry, 46th LD
  651. Louis Touchette, 10th LD
  652. Lucille Nilles, 5th LD
  653. Lucinda Stroud, 36th LD
  654. Lucy Madrigal, 40th LD
  655. Luke Magnotto, 23rd LD
  656. Luke Tolley, 3rd LD
  657. Lu Long
  658. Lydia Petroske, 42nd LD
  659. Lynda Marlene Prindle, 43rd LD
  660. Lyndon V Judge, 36th LD
  661. Lyn Idahosa, 30th LD
  662. Lynne Ashton, 23rd LD
  663. Madeline Brown, 43rd LD
  664. Madeline Hanhardt, 32nd LD
  665. Madison Eggerding, 37th LD
  666. Mallory Van Abbema, 32nd LD
  667. Marc Brenman
  668. Marcia Johnson, 5th LD
  669. Marcia Miller, 32nd LD
  670. Marc Louis Rodriquez, 8th LD
  671. Marcy Golde, 46th LD
  672. Margaret-Lee Thompson, 48th LD
  673. Margaret Lord, 36th LD
  674. Margaret Mortz, 4th LD
  675. Margaret Snell, 45th LD
  676. Margie Heller, 6th LD
  677. Maria Chiechi, 22nd LD
  678. Maria Cuevas, 14th LD
  679. Mariah Mitchell, 43rd LD
  680. Marianna Everson, 19th LD
  681. Maria Stephens, 8th LD
  682. Maria Sumner, 46th LD
  683. Marie-Annette Brown
  684. Marie Munguia, 22nd LD
  685. Marilyn Mayers
  686. Marilyn Roberts, 22nd LD
  687. Mark Bradley, 37th LD
  688. Mark Brunson, 43rd LD
  689. Mark Damborg, 43rd LD
  690. Mark R. Vossler, MD, 1st LD
  691. Marsha Cutting, 23rd LD
  692. Martha Maier
  693. Martha Ramos
  694. Marti McKenna, 37th LD
  695. Martina Morris, 46th LD
  696. Mary Gleysteen
  697. Mary Jane Francis, 43rd LD
  698. Mary Jean Lord, 36th LD
  699. Mary V. Griffin, 46th LD
  700. Mary Wolney, 43rd LD
  701. Matt Bona, 16th LD
  702. Matthew Clark, 37th LD
  703. Matthew Gliboff, 48th LD
  704. Matthew Macklin, 26th LD
  705. Matthew R. Lang, 43rd LD
  706. Matthew R. Perry, 46th LD
  707. Matt Jamin, 43rd LD
  708. Mattye Berry-Evans
  709. Max Savishinsky, 37th LD
  710. Mayra Garcia, 6th LD
  711. Megan Wagoner, 37th LD
  712. Megan Ybarra, 37th LD
  713. Meg O’Hara, 37th LD
  714. Melinda Young-Flynn, 46th LD
  715. Melissa Hall, 43rd LD
  716. Merribeth “Beth” Greenberg, 49th LD
  717. Meryle A.Korn, 2nd LD
  718. Michael Betz, 42nd LD
  719. Michael Cahn
  720. Michael Hurwics, 40th LD
  721. Michele E Murphy, 37th LD
  722. Michele Freed, 47th LD
  723. Michelle Gidewall, 39th LD
  724. Mike Dee, 46th LD
  725. Mike Gould, 46th LD
  726. Mindy Woods, 21st LD
  727. Miriam C Sutermeister, 43rd LD
  728. m’lou christ, 43rd LD
  729. Mohra Pannier, 32nd L
  730. Molly Brackett, 5th LD
  731. Molly Mattingly, 43rd LD
  732. Morgan Cowick, 43rd LD
  733. Morgan Shimabuku, 3rd LD
  734. Mya Leonhard, 11th LD
  735. myrna b
  736. Myrna Hillyer, 5th LD
  737. Nancy Danoff, MD, 46th LD
  738. Nancy Farrell
  739. Nancy Horman, 36th LD
  740. Nancy Niedzielski, 46th LD
  741. Nancy S Johnson, 21st LD
  742. Nancy Sutherland, 43rd LD
  743. Naomi Adele Smith, 46th LD
  744. Naomi Solomon-Oblath, 8th LD
  745. Naomi Whitmore, 15th LD
  746. Natalie Pond, 43rd LD
  747. Natalie Simmons, 23rd LD
  748. Natasha Hill, 3rd LD
  749. Nathalie J Gehrke, 10th LD
  750. Nazanin Lashgari, 32nd LD
  751. Neal Rose, 6th LD
  752. Nicholas Oakley, 43rd LD
  753. Nichole Snyder, 30th LD
  754. Nickeia Hunter, 18th LD
  755. Nicole Palczewski, 36th LD
  756. Nicole Plastino, 28th LD
  757. Nicole Sams, 45th LD
  758. Nicolette Oliver, 22nd LD
  759. Noel Allen, 43rd LD
  760. Norm Black, 21st LD
  761. Ocean Sky
  762. Olga Ines Cepeda, 8th LD
  763. Olivia Carros, 36th LD
  764. Olivia Eagle, 18th LD
  765. Omar Cuevas Vega, 46th LD
  766. Orin Brustad, 48th LD
  767. Orlando Lugo, 36th LD
  768. Paige Hulsey
  769. Pamela Crone, 43rd LD
  770. Pam Gregory, 43rd LD
  771. Pam Hurst, 32nd LD
  772. Patricia A Kushmerick, 43rd LD
  773. Patricia Whitefoot, 14th LD
  774. Patrick J Johnson, 24th LD
  775. Paula Carvalho, 34th LD
  776. Paul Buehrens MD, 38th LD
  777. Pauline Druffel, 6th LD
  778. Paul Jacobson
  779. Peter Drewes, 40th LD
  780. Peter Guerrero, 24th LD
  781. Pete STOPPANI, 45th LD
  782. Phoebe Holmes, 45th LD
  783. Phil Hoge, 14th LD
  784. Philip Bradford, 32nd LD
  785. Philip S Parker, 49th LD
  786. Phyllis A Farrell, 2nd LD
  787. Phyllis Gabel, 3rd LD
  788. Phyllis Holzworth, 43rd LD
  789. PJ Phillips
  790. Putnam Barber, 43rd LD
  791. Rachael Cummings, 46th LD
  792. Rachael Ludwick, 37th LD
  793. Rachael Myers, 37th LD
  794. Raechel Y, 12th LD
  795. Rachel Dorn, 14th LD
  796. Rachel Doyle, 41st LD
  797. Rachel Mathison, 38th LD
  798. Rachel Maxwell, 21st LD
  799. Rachel Miyazaki, 37th LD
  800. Rainy Husband
  801. Ramona J Hattendorf, 36th LD
  802. Ramonda Wertz, 43rd LD
  803. Raphael Mondesir, 36th LD
  804. Rayanna Tensley, 3rd LD
  805. Rebecca Bryant, 36th LD
  806. Rebecca Canright
  807. Rebecca Elbaum, 45th LD
  808. Rebecca Hammill, 4th LD
  809. Rebecca Roy, 46th LD
  810. Rebecca Wolfe, 21st LD
  811. Reginald George
  812. Reneeka Massey-Jones, 34th LD
  813. Rev. Jeannine Daggett, 35th LD
  814. Rheta Rubenstein, 17th LD
  815. Rhonda Batchelor, 8th LD
  816. Rhonda Hodgert, 48th LD
  817. Rhonda Walker, 19th LD
  818. Richard Fike, 43rd LD
  819. Richard G. Weiler, 32nd LD
  820. Richard Johnson, 40th LD
  821. Richard Lipsky MD, 46th LD
  822. Richard M Smaby, 28th LD
  823. Richelle Dickerson, 43rd LD
  824. Rick Baugh, 43rd LD
  825. Robby Smith
  826. Roberta Fargo, 40th LD
  827. Roberta Lord, 36th LD
  828. Robert Blumenfeld, 1st LD
  829. Robert M. Brown, 28th LD
  830. Robert Richard, 43rd LD
  831. Robert Richards, 43rd LD
  832. Robert Yates
  833. Robert Young, 13th LD
  834. Rob Huff, 27th LD
  835. Robin A Ogmundson, 42nd LD
  836. Robin Briggs, 43rd LD
  837. Robin F. Hills
  838. Robin Kramer, 22nd LD
  839. Robin Lindley, 46th LD
  840. Robin Mercer, 26th LD
  841. Robin Randels, 43rd LD
  842. Rob MacWolf, 37th LD
  843. Rod Tharp, 22nd LD
  844. Roland Carette-Meyers, 34th LD
  845. Ronald Reynolds
  846. Ronita Boullt
  847. Ron Weisinger, 45th LD
  848. Rosa Rice-Pelepko, 32nd LD
  849. Rose freeman
  850. Rosemary Blakemore, 43rd LD
  851. Rosemary Moore, 41st LD
  852. Rosemary Powers, 27th LD
  853. Roxanne Ray
  854. Rubina Johnson, 37th LD
  855. Ruchi Stair, 46th LD
  856. Rusteen Farivar, 46th LD
  857. Ruth Werntz, 45th LD
  858. Ryan James Reid, 22nd LD
  859. Ryan Johnson, 39th LD
  860. Ryan Paul, 36th LD
  861. Ryan Pricco, 28th LD
  862. Ryan Quigtar
  863. Saeed Imani, 45th LD
  864. Sage Walund, 42nd LD
  865. Sai Samineni, 30th LD
  866. Sally Bartow, 41st LD
  867. Sally Gecas, 24th LD
  868. Sally L. Jones, 43rd LD
  869. Sally W. Soest, 43rd LD
  870. Samantha Anderson, 8th LD
  871. Samantha Fogg, 46th LD
  872. Samantha Tarvin, 37th LD
  873. Samantha Thompson, 34th LD
  874. Sam Hatzenbeler, 37th LD
  875. Samia Mohazzabfar, 46th LD
  876. Sam McVeety, 43rd LD
  877. Sam Merrill, 22nd LD
  878. Samuel F Dworkin
  879. Samuel Martin, 37th LD
  880. Sandra Russell, 9th LD
  881. Sandy Robson, 42nd LD
  882. Sara Bhakti, 45th LD
  883. Sara Droz
  884. Sarah Arvey, 43rd LD
  885. Sarah Brady, 27th LD
  886. Sarah Butcher, 48th LD
  887. Sarah Chen, 43rd LD
  888. Sarah Cohn, 43rd LD
  889. Sarah Dolan, 34th LD
  890. Sarah Dallosto, 11th LD
  891. Sarah Fletcher, 17th LD
  892. Sarah Hodge, 22nd LD
  893. Sarajane Siegfriedt, 46th LD
  894. Sara Levin, 37th LD
  895. Sara So, 45th LD
  896. Sariga Santhosh, 46th LD
  897. Saunatina Sanchez, 43rd LD
  898. Saundra Bialos, 43rd LD
  899. Selden Prentice, 36th LD
  900. Selina, Nichols, 43rd LD
  901. Serene Chen, 37th LD
  902. Shannon Henderson, 43rd LD
  903. Shannon Hopkins, 14th LD
  904. Shareefah Hoover, 17th LD
  905. Shar Lichty, 6th LD
  906. Sharon Abreu, 40th LD
  907. Sharon Bezy, 5th LD
  908. Sharonne Navas, 47th LD
  909. Shaun Bickley, 36th LD
  910. Shayla Dorstad, 45th LD
  911. Sheila Babb Anderson, 36th LD
  912. Shelby Satko, 22nd LD
  913. Shena D Brim
  914. Sherry Bupp, 48th LD
  915. Sherri Caldellis, 46th LD
  916. Sherri Dysart, 35th LD
  917. Shirley M. Clark, 5th LD
  918. Sierra Paola, 3rd LD
  919. Sigrid Salo, 10th LD
  920. Sima T Thorpe, 3rd LD
  921. Simon M. Taylor, ARNP, 43rd LD
  922. Simon Zatyrka, 37th LD
  923. Siri Rigsby, 46th LD
  924. Spencer Rawls, 37th LD
  925. Srijan Chakraborty, 48th LD
  926. Stacey Soltoff, 28th LD
  927. Stacie Siebrecht, 36th LD
  928. Stacy Dym, 37th LD
  929. Stacy Oaks, 38th LD
  930. Stacy Sage, 47th LD
  931. Stan Woldtvedt, 7th LD
  932. Stephanie Schermerhorn, 27th LD
  933. Stephen Thompson, 48th LD
  934. Stephen W Wilson, 40th LD
  935. steve daschle
  936. Steve Lewis, 3rd LD
  937. Steven Gary, 37th LD
  938. Steven Whitcher, 27th LD
  939. Sue L. Hill, 45th LD
  940. Sully Moreno, 36th LD
  941. Summer Stevens, 9th LD
  942. Summer Stinson, 36th LD
  943. Susan Callegari, 43rd LD
  944. Susan D. Cooksey, 22nd LD
  945. Susan H Dillon, 43rd LD
  946. Susan MacGregor, 48th LD
  947. Susan McRae, 22nd LD
  948. Susan Ratner, 33rd LD
  949. Susan Shaw, 43rd LD
  950. Susan Vossler, 1st LD
  951. Susan Young, 26th LD
  952. Suzanne Cook, 46th LD
  953. Suzanne Michelle DeVillier, 29th LD
  954. Suzanne West, 48th LD
  955. Tamaso Johnson, 46th LD
  956. Tanna Hitchcock, 33rd LD
  957. Tanya M Bagley, 11th LD
  958. Taryn Farley, 21st LD
  959. Tasha Cummings, 32nd LD
  960. Taylor Cuilty, 43rd LD
  961. Teresa Clark, 43rd LD
  962. Teresa Sweeney, Ph.D., 36th LD
  963. Terri Anderson, 6th LD
  964. Terri Ann Pollock, 43rd LD
  965. Terri Cole, 36th LD
  966. Terry Shirk, 48th LD
  967. Tesia Wood, 34th LD
  968. Thanh Nguyen, 47th LD
  969. Theresa Power-Drutis, 27th LD
  970. Theresa Sundin, 33rd LD
  971. Theresa Ulrich, 43rd LD
  972. Tiffany Elliott
  973. Tiffany Muckley, 24th LD
  974. Tim Marshall, 36th LD
  975. Tina McKim, 42nd LD
  976. Toby Fitch, 21st LD
  977. Tom Lang, 36th LD
  978. Tom Quigley, 5th LD
  979. Tonia McClanahan, 22nd LD
  980. Toni Ann Mills, 34th LD
  981. Toni Marshall, 6th LD
  982. Tonya Hennen, 22nd LD
  983. Toshiye Ishisaka, 36th LD
  984. Tracy Kahlo, 25th LD
  985. Tracy Ouellette, 40th LD
  986. Tracy turner
  987. Trenton Miller, 3rd LD
  988. Tristan Crippen, 43rd LD
  989. Tristan Eddy, 36th LD
  990. Trudy Soucoup, 22nd LD
  991. Tsukina Blessing, 46th LD
  992. Twila LaBarge
  993. Tyler Arnold, 43rd LD
  994. Valerie Costa, 43rd LD
  996. Vanessa Malapote, 35th LD
  997. Vaughn Brown, 3rd LD
  998. Velma Veloria, 11th LD
  999. Vernon Roessler, 43rd LD
  1000. Veronika Coleman, 16th LD
  1001. Vicki j Elting, 27th LD
  1002. Victoria Urias, 46th LD
  1003. Virgene Link-New, 41st LD
  1004. Virginia Pfeifer, 5th LD
  1005. Virginia Sharp, 43rd LD
  1006. Vivian Korneliussen, 32nd LD
  1007. Vivien Sharples, 43rd LD
  1008. Walter R. Jorgensen, 22nd LD
  1009. Warren Weissman, 10th LD
  1010. Wendy H Anderson, 45th LD
  1011. Wendy Schindler, 44th LD
  1012. Wilda Luttermoser, 45th LD
  1013. William B. Packard, 36th LD
  1014. William O Kinyon, 3rd LD
  1015. Will wright
  1016. Wistar Kay
  1017. Xandre Chateaubriand, 37th LD
  1018. Zach Anderson, 23rd LD
  1019. Zubin Abraham-Ahmed, 37th LD
  1020. Zuzanna Wisniewska, 43rd LD