is archive

DRW Amicus brief highlights the risks and dangers of involuntary inpatient civil commitment

September 21, 2022Disability Rights Washington, the ACLU of Washington, the Washington Defender Association, and the King County Department of Assigned Counsel have filed an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) brief in the Washington State Supreme Court. Learn more here.

Read Notice & Motion for Class Action Settlement for Youth in Foster Care

August 5, 2022Read Notice for Class Action Settlement for Youth in Foster Care and Plaintiffs’ Unopposed Motion for Order Approving Attorneys’ Fees and Costs Following Mediation.

Week Without Driving 2022 Announced with Proclamation from Governor Inslee and Video Invite from Washington Elected Leaders

August 1, 2022Governor Jay Inslee has issued a proclamation declaring September 19-25 the Week Without Driving. This is the 2nd annual #WeekWithoutDriving, coordinated by the Disability Mobility Initiative at Disability Rights Washington, with support from dozens of co-hosting organizations from across the state. 

Washington State Reaches Groundbreaking Federal Class-Action Settlement for Youth in Foster Care

June 7, 2022Washington’s Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) settled a federal class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of hundreds of youth in the state’s foster care system. Learn more here.

Final 2022 Legislative Newsletter

April 15, 2022Many of the bills of interest to disability advocates that passed this year were at least somewhat bi-partisan. In the “wrap-up” that follows, this newsletter will focus on the legislative accomplishments and additional funding that are important to disability advocates.

Press Release: State Agrees to Pay $1.25 Million in Rainier School Wrongful Death Lawsuit

March 16, 2022The family of JoHanna Pratt, a former resident at the state-run Rainier School in Buckley, has settled their medical neglect and wrongful death lawsuit against Rainier School and the State of Washington for $1.25 million.  

New Report: ALL OR NOTHING Ending Washington’s Dependence On Involuntary Civil Commitment

December 14, 2021DRW's newest report examines the gaps in Washington’s behavioral health treatment and crisis response systems, and the systemic failures in the involuntary civil commitment system that has resulted in the increased use of harmful Single Bed Certifications and No Bed Reports. ALL OR NOTHING provides clear, sensible action steps Washington can take to deliver the right care at the right time.

First Annual #WeekWithoutDriving Changes the Conversation

November 11, 2021We are thrilled to share that our first Week Without Driving was a great success! More than 100 elected leaders and transportation professionals joined us, and we are loving reading about their experiences and what they’ve learned.

$22,000,000 in grant funds awarded to create housing for Trueblood class members across Washington State

November 1, 2021As part of the ongoing Trueblood contempt-fine funded diversion programs, DRW is pleased to announce that we have awarded over $22,000,000 in grant funds to five service providers.  These funds will be used over the next four years to generate housing for class members under the Trueblood lawsuit, ranging from rental subsidies to dedicated leases, renovated houses to newly-constructed permanent supportive housing. 

Health Care Authority commits to remove Medicaid restriction on WISe for all youth with Apple Health

October 29, 2021The Health Care Authority has committed to changing its rules and provider billing guides over the next few months to remove the Medicaid restriction so that Wraparound with Intensive Services can be a treatment resource for all children and youth covered by the State’s Apple Health program, including undocumented immigrant and refugee children and youth who are not eligible for federal Medicaid funding.

Breaking Barriers was a huge success!

October 22, 2021Yesterday, DRW held its annual fundraiser, Breaking Barriers. We are thrilled to share that we raised over $98,000 and had over 347 views so far. We are so grateful for the support we received from our community.

Week Without Driving

October 14, 2021We want to challenge our elected leaders and transportation and transit agency staff to join us and take the #MobilizeWA Week Without Driving, October 22-29, 2021.

Petition to Improve Accessibility and Maintain Remote Testimony in the State Legislature

September 15, 2021We are thrilled to share that 203 organizations and 1,020 individuals signed onto our petition! The petition was sent to Governor Jay Inslee, Representative Jinkins, Senator Billig, Representative Wilcox, and Senator Braun. With so many signatories, the petition is a powerful statement of constituent support for permanent remote access.

Summer 2021: AVID Update

September 10, 2021In the summer of 2021, DRW’s AVID program staff and legal interns conducted monitoring in five of the Washington State Department of Corrections’ main prison facilities. During our trips we focused on solitary confinement units and missioned housing such as the residential treatment unit, the assisted living unit, the senior unit, and the unit for people with cognitive disabilities.